3 Things You Want on Your Website’s Homepage

3 Things You Want on Your Website’s Homepage

Your website’s homepage gives potential clients their first impression of your business and if experts are right, it’d better be a good one. Time-strapped consumers have a short attention span, and they won’t waste their time on a poorly designed website trying to figure out if you can meet their needs — they’ll just move on. How do you make your message clear? With these three things that need to be on every business website homepage.

Why Should I Have A Website When I Have Social Media?

Why Should I Have A Website When I Have Social Media?

As an entrepreneur just getting started with your online presence, you’re basically presented with 2 options. Which of the 2 options sounds more appealing to you?

Option 1: You can set up your business in someone else’s store, at no cost to you.
Option 2: You can own or lease space for your business designated only to you.

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